
Saturday, November 3, 2012

パーフェクト・ローストチキン - How to cook like Heston

30時間超のモントリオールからの帰り道、機内でイギリスのセレブ・シェフHeston Blumenthalの"How to cook like Heston"を全シリーズ観ることができた。忘れないうちにHestonのパーフェクト・ローストチキン・レシピに挑戦した。
I managed to watch the full series of "How to cook like Heston" - a TV cooking show by UK's celebrity chef, Heston Blumenthal during 30+ hours flights back from Montreal. I tried to recreate his perfect Roast chicken while my memory is fresh in mind.

Key point is to soak the chicken in brine over night (in a fridge). Wipe the excess water with a kitchen paper and bake in a slow oven (Heston set his oven at 90c but I tested the recipe at 130c) for 2 hours. Once chicken is cooked in the low heat oven, turn the oven to high heat (220-230c) and brown the chicken for 20min.

It made a big difference in the final result. Slow cooking produced a moist roast chicken, full of natural flavours. The key to success is 'soaking in a brine water' and 'slow cooking at low heat'.

It is worth trying Heston's roast chicken recipe on a weekend.


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