
Saturday, August 31, 2013

ワクワク・フレンチ - Bistro Guillaume

なかなか予約の取れないクラウン・カジノ(元バーズウッド)の有名フレンチBistro Guillaumeへ。10日前にようやくテーブルを確保。かなり昔にシドニー・オペラハウスのGuillaume at Bennelongに行った思い出があるが、パース店の方が予約が取りにくいような気がする。予約ができた時からすでにワクワク状態。
Finally, I managed to secure a table at Bistro Guillaume at Crown Casino (former Burswood). I made this booking 10 days in advance. I’ve been to Guillaume at Bennelong at the Sydney Opera House some time ago but its Perth branch seems to be more difficult to get in. I was already on high spirit when a booking was made.
Bistro Guillaumeは2部制で、第1部の時間帯は全員午後7時30分退出というルールで、スタート時間を選ぶことができる。第2部は午後8時30分以降スタートからクローズまで。午後5時15分スタートを選んだ。Bistro Guillaume has two seating system. The first seating is until 7:30pm when all customers are expected to leave. You can choose starting time for the first seating. The second seating starts from 8:30pm until the closing time. I decided to eat early and settled for 5:30pm start

名物のロースト・チキンが目当てだったので、前菜は軽めのサーモンの刺身。キュウリと白桃のソースがぴったり。The main purpose of the dinner was the famous roast chicken, so I order a light entrée – Salmon sashimi with cucumber and white peach sauce.
さて、念願のローストチキン。2人用のメニューだが1人で食べきった。注文時に「2人用ですが、大丈夫ですか?」とまでアドバイスされたが、「もちろん」と怖気づくことなく注文。さすがに大きかったが、Paris mashとぴったり合って大感激。Bistro Guillaumeに来た甲斐があった。
Well, this Roast chicken is actually a dish for two but I had this by myself. The restaurant staff was kind enough to warn me about the dish size but nothing stopped me from having this amazing roast chicken with paris mash. It was worth coming to Bistro Guillaume to try this dish.

I was already full but it goes against Oishi Perth policy to leave a French restaurant without having a dessert.  A big plate of profiteroles added a perfect finish to the French dinner. Yes, I was very full but it is worth being really full at Bistro Guillaume!


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