
Thursday, December 20, 2012

パースのメルボルン  - The Trustee bar and bistro

仕事帰りに近くのthe Trustee Bar and Bistroで軽く食事を取った。ドアを抜けるとスーツ姿の客で一杯でまさしくメルボルン。皆「仕事が終わって一杯」と全く同じ目的で来ているようだ。

I went to the Trustee Bar and Bistro for a quick bite after work. Once you go through the glass door, it is Melbourne. The bar is full of people in business suits who are probably there for the very same reason - afterwork drink.

Black and white crab linguine, tomato fondue had a perfect al-dente pasta. Crab and tomato sauce was good too. As a classic Australian style (and I was hungry), I ordered chips as a side menu. You can choose either sofa and counter/table seats but you probably need to get whatever table/seats you can as it is usally very busy at around 5-7pm.


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