
Sunday, May 19, 2013

モントリオールのマーケット - Montreal public markets

旅が続いている。パースから約33時間かけてモントリオールへ。初夏のモントリオールは散歩に最適な環境。週末に公設マーケットのAtwater Marketを目指して歩いた。
Travel continues. It takes approximately 33 hours from Perth to Montreal. It was worth traveling as Montreal in early summer is beautiful and is a great environment for walking. I walked to Atwater market, one of Montreal public markets on a weekend.

After the market visit, I caught up with friends who live in Montreal. Lunch at an open top terrace restaurant with a view of Montreal city - it was so refreshing and energising.


Thursday, May 16, 2013

おいしいフランス土産 - French kitchen goods

フランスの楽しいキッチン雑貨を発見。A range of fantastic kitchen/gourmet goods from France.

パリの絵文字入りシュガー。Decorative sugar - with Paris' landmark images!

Serviettes - perfect for a French themed house party.

Camembert container - found in Marche de Fontainebleau.

Madagascar vanilla - a small investment for quality baking back at home

A kitchen tray with French pastries photos!

おいしいフランスを持って帰ろう。I am taking Oishi France back home.

Sunday, May 12, 2013

Back in Paris -サンジェルマン・デプレ

Spent the last 24 hours at Saint-Germain Depres in Paris before going back to Australia. It was a dream come true to finally visit Cafe de Floure.

パリ一と評判のベーカリーのPoilane (ポワラーヌ)も訪問。本格sourdoughに感激。Poilane, known as the best bakery in Paris, had a fantastic display of authentic sourdough!

I like people's approach towards good food. It is great to know that people line up at Pierre Herme and other bakeries to have quality products.


Wednesday, May 1, 2013

おししいフランス - Fontainebleau

Fontainebleau, located in 1 hr drive/40min by train from Paris, is famous for the Chateau de Fontainebleau. Napoleon and other French Kings and queens all loved the Chateau since the Middle Ages and its beautiful garden is worth viewing.


There are many bakeries for a small town. People line up to get freshly baked breads, particularly on Sunday morning. Freshly baked breads are available for every meal. What a great way to live/eat.

Fontainebleau market is open on Fridays and Sundays. You can get most of fresh vegetable, meat, eggs, dairy products here. No wonder the fresh food section at the nearby supermarket is very small. No need to go to supermarket for grocery. Virginie, who lives in Fontainebleau, says she goes to a marche at nearby village - cheaper and closer to producers.

マルシェで買い物した後は、カフェ・オ・レで休憩。Mustn't forget to have a break with cafe-au-lait after shopping at the Marche.
