Fontainebleau, located in 1 hr drive/40min by train from Paris, is famous for the Chateau de Fontainebleau. Napoleon and other French Kings and queens all loved the Chateau since the Middle Ages and its beautiful garden is worth viewing.
There are many bakeries for a small town. People line up to get freshly baked breads, particularly on Sunday morning. Freshly baked breads are available for
every meal. What a great way to live/eat.
Fontainebleau market is open on Fridays and Sundays. You can get most of fresh vegetable, meat, eggs, dairy products here. No wonder the fresh food section at the nearby supermarket is very small. No need to go to supermarket for grocery. Virginie, who lives in Fontainebleau, says she goes to a marche at nearby village - cheaper and closer to producers.
マルシェで買い物した後は、カフェ・オ・レで休憩。Mustn't forget to have a break with cafe-au-lait after shopping at the Marche.