
Friday, December 30, 2011

おいしい関西 - OSAKA 大阪のイタリアン


I head to Osaka after Kobe. Osaka is a home to quality Italian restaurants. I went to Modo di Ponte Vecchio, one of the Ponte Vecchio group. Ponte Vecchio is the most celebrated and well known Italian restaurant in Osaka. Modo di Ponte Vecchio is located at the 30th floor of Yasuda Seimei building in Nishi Umeda. This branch offers the best value among the Ponte Vecchio group in terms of convenience, ambiance and value for money.

ランチは Completoコースを選択。お楽しみの一品(前菜)、パスタ、メイン(魚かお肉)とデザートという満足コース。サービスも雰囲気も抜群。10人ぐらいで使えるグループ用のエリアもある。
Compelto course is very fulfilling as the course includes an entrée, pasta, main (fish or meat) and dessert. Exceptional customer service and ambiance. There is a function room (up to 10 people) as well.

You can enjoy the view from the 30th floor anytime of the day.


Wednesday, December 28, 2011

おいしい関西- KOBE 神戸のフレンチ

It’s been a while since I spent the New Year in Japan last time. It was encouraging to feel a “buzz” is coming back to Kansai. I love Japanese perfectionism towards food – it should be considered as the pride of the Nation.
Kitano area in Kobe is a home to many French restaurants. Kobe may have higher demand for French cuisine as many French restaurants co-exist in a relatively small area. St George’s building used to be owned by a German merchant. A large well presented front yard is very welcoming.

There are four lunch courses to choose from. Lune course offers entrée, soup, main (fish or beef) and dessert. St Georges offers a holistic dining experience combined with an elegant view of its garden, terrace and classic interior.

St Georges is located within walking distance from Crown Plaza hotel at Shinkobe Bullet train station. It is worth a visit if you are in Kobe area.


Saturday, December 24, 2011

メリー・クリスマス - Christmas Strarberry mousse

A lovely friend of mine made a refreshing strawberry mousse for Christmas. Santa Clause decoration came from Japan. Fresh strawberry flavour and tangy yogurt texture create a great summer dessert.

 • いちご 1-2パック (約300g )
• 砂糖 80-100 g (好みで調節)
• ヨーグルト 250g (Greek style)
• 生クリーム 200g
• ゼラチン 20g
• レモン汁 適量

1. ゼラチンを水にふやかす。
2. へたをとったいちごに砂糖を入れ、レンジで二分。
3. いちごが温かいうちにゼラチンを入れて溶けるまで混ぜる。ハンドミキサーでつぶす。
4. のこりの全てを加え、型に入れて冷蔵庫へ。
Strawberry - 300g
Sugar - 80-100g
Greek style yogurt 250g
Cream - 200g
Gelatin - 20g
Lemon juice

1. Dissolve the gelatin in water
2. Mix the strawberry and water and microwave for 2min
3. Mix the gelatin into the strawberry mixture while it is warm and blend with a hand mixer
4. Mix the rest of the ingredients and pour the mixture into a mould. Cool in a fridge.

メリー・クリスマス & どうぞ良いお年を。
Have a great Christmas and a Happy New Year!!

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

川沿いレストラン - Halo

パースのBarrack Street Jetty上にあるHalo Restaurantは夏が似合う。仕事仲間とのディナーもテラス席で盛り上がった。フードはモダン・オーストラリアンでMarron(淡水の小型ロブスター)などシーフード系も豊富。ワインメニューも充実している。 
Halo Restaurant on Perth Barrack Street Jetty is a great venue during the summer time. We secured a table on the terrace for our work dinner.Halo offers Modern Australian cuisine including marron (a kind of freshwater lobster) and quality seafood dish. It has a good wine list too.

前菜のデリケートな盛り付けにお腹がすいている時はちょっとがっかりしたが、メイン・デザートを克服する頃にはしっかりとお腹一杯になる。サイドのポテト・グラタン(Bread & Butter puddingだと勘違いした)やサラダがおいしかった。
Delicately decorated entree wasn't enough to fill my hungry tummy but I was full by the time I finished main and dessert. Side dishes - potato gratin (I thought it was a bread & butter pudding) and salad were excellent.

デザートは柚子をつかったソルベ付きチーズケーキ。柚子とライムのフレッシュな香りがぴったり合っている。 Dessert - a cheesecake with yuzu/mango sorbet. Yuzu and lime flavours blended really well.


Sunday, December 18, 2011

パースのおいしいエリア  - Leederville

A quick visit to Leederville came with a nice surprise by the Town of Vincent Carpark - 1st hour free - perfect arrangement for a quick coffee stop on weekends.

改めてLeedervilleのOxford Street周辺のお店を眺めてみると、確かに便利だ。Green & Coを始め、いろいろなカフェが勢揃いしている上に、Jus Burger, Burger Bistro, Pub, the Garden, Pizza, Italian, Seafoodなど様々なカテゴリーのお店があるので用途に合わせたチョイスが可能。

Leederville (around Oxford street) is really convenient. There are many cafes such as Green & Co and offers a range of dining options from Jus Burger, Burger Bistro, Pub, the Garden, Pizza, Italian to seafood.

I only had a quick coffee stop but there are many options for breakfast, lunch and dinner that are worth looking into.


Thursday, December 8, 2011

おいしいロンドン 続編 -London calling

Cosmopolitan London offers wide variety of cuisune. In particular, there are a millions of Indian restaurants, perhaps thanks to strong Indian community in London?


Sunday, December 4, 2011

おいしいロンドン - Borough market

11月のロンドンは思ったより寒くなかった。念願のBorough Market訪問が実現。ロンドンの台所のBorough Marketはクオリティ高い食材やグルメ食品のお店で賑わっていた。
London wasn't as cold as I feared for. Borough Market is London's most renowned food market; a source of exceptional British and international produce.

ロンドン訪問の際は早起きして是非1度は行ってほしい。It is a must-visit London spot for foodies.
