It is the time for a new adventure. Relocation to Singapore sparked many farewell parties and provided me with the last opportunity to enjoy home-made cakes.
This butterfly shaped chocolate is also made by hand! It is the thoughts that made my heart and tummy happy.
See 'Oishi Singapore' to find out the latest Oishi lifestyle in Singapore.
Friday, November 29, 2013
Tuesday, November 26, 2013
待ち焦がれたイタリアン - Jamie's Italian
I made a booking 2 month in advance to secure a table near the window at Jamie's Italian. The longer you wait, the more special the dining experience becomes.
オーストラリアには3軒しかないJamie's Italian。その1軒がパースにあるなんてラッキー。パース店は開店数ヵ月後もまだ常に一杯。
There are three Jamie's Italian restaurants in Australia. How lucky it is to have one of the restaurants in Perth. Jamie;s Italian Perth opened its door some time ago but it is still full with customers every single day.
We ordered a bread basket in stead of entree to finish the lunch during the weekday lunch break. Olive oil and balsamic vinegar went very week with the rustic breads.
Grilled salmon was my main dish. The colourful side salad was also great with a mixture of fresh flavours. The accompanying beetroot enhanced the flavour of the salmon very nicely.
My colleagues ordered cannelloni and beef rolls. The colour and flavour of parmesan cheese was worth noting. To my disappointment, we run out of time to have desserts.
I want to go back to Jamie's Italian as soon as possible. The prices are reasonable. It may be a good idea to make multiple bookings in advance.
Saturday, November 23, 2013
おしゃれ弁当ランチ - Sushia
シティのBrookfield Placeにある和食店、‘Sushiaは外からは少し分かりにくいが、Small Print Cafeの向かいのビル内にある。
It it a bit hard to find Sushia but it is located across the walkway from Small Print Cafe at Brookfield Place in the City.
It it a bit hard to find Sushia but it is located across the walkway from Small Print Cafe at Brookfield Place in the City.
Bento boxes are available during lunch hours. The quality bento boxes lunch are served by super pretty and friendly staff. Sushia's chic ambience is perfect for work lunch/dinner as well.詳細は下記の通り。
Saturday, November 16, 2013
シティの朝食 - Gordon Street Garage
I woke up early on Sunday to go to Gordon Street Garage in West Perth. It was a good call to go there early as this popular cafe becomes crowded very quickly despite of its large dining area. How fascinating to see a note on coffee brewing method on each table!
I ordered Grilled mushroom and brie cheese on sourdough toast with rockets and poached eggs. It is an amazing mix, particularly mushroom and brie!
There are many other breakfast items such as corn fritters.
Wednesday, November 13, 2013
寄り道カフェ - Sayers
I cannot go home without dropping at a cafe when I go to Leederville area. It's been a while since I went to Sayers last time. This cafe has always been popular and busy with its loyal customers. I wasn't going to but I ended up ordering a slice when I saw this fabulous display.
I cannot go home without dropping at a cafe when I go to Leederville area. It's been a while since I went to Sayers last time. This cafe has always been popular and busy with its loyal customers. I wasn't going to but I ended up ordering a slice when I saw this fabulous display.
Saturday, November 9, 2013
ブランチ再チャレンジ - Back at Gusto
Back to Gusto, a great brunch spot in South Perth. I was prepared this time and arrived there with am empty tummy. After careful consideration, I decided to go for sweets brunch dish. The size and presentation is amazing. Brunch dishes that were delivered to other tables also looked delicious. No wonder there were a long queue by the time I left the cafe.
Back to Gusto, a great brunch spot in South Perth. I was prepared this time and arrived there with am empty tummy. After careful consideration, I decided to go for sweets brunch dish. The size and presentation is amazing. Brunch dishes that were delivered to other tables also looked delicious. No wonder there were a long queue by the time I left the cafe.
Saturday, November 2, 2013
こだわりミルク - A2 Milk
A2 milk had an image of an expensive boutique style milk until I took a moment to read its label. Despite of ongoing milk war among major supermarkets, this A2 milk differentiates itself very well from the almost commodity market.
A2ミルクは 普通A1とA2型ベータカセイン・プロテインが混ざっているオーストラリアの牛乳とは違い、A2カゼイン・プロテインを産出する乳牛のみからできたミルク。消化器系に効果があるという研究もかなり行われている。食品安全委員会の情報によると、A2ミルクは子供の自閉症だけでなく、成人の統合失調症、糖尿病、心疾患を防ぐといわれている。
Most of Australian produced milk contains both A1 and A2 beta-casein protein but A2 milk comes from cows to produce A2 beta-casein protein. Many research have been conducted on A2 milk and it suggests that the A2 milk may be good for digestive system. Japan's Food safety commission reports that A2 milk may prevent autism among children, schizophrenia、diabetes and heart disease among adults.
価格帯は一番安いプライベート・ブランドの牛乳の約1.5-2倍 ($2.90-3.10). 味は他の牛乳とは少し違うが、だんだん癖になってくる。値段が高いせいか、いつも在庫過多ぎみだが、健康への効果が正式に証明されれば、もっと売れるのでは。毎日飲むミルクだからこそ、おいしくて体にいいものを選びたい。
Price range of A2 milk ($2.90 - $3.10) is about 1.5 to 2 times highers than private brand milk. A2 milk has its unique flavour and taste which I started to enjoy. While A2 milk seems to be overstocked at supermarkets, the demand will increase once its health benefits are proven. We drink milk every day. It is worthwhile to take time to choose something tasty and good for health.
A2 milk had an image of an expensive boutique style milk until I took a moment to read its label. Despite of ongoing milk war among major supermarkets, this A2 milk differentiates itself very well from the almost commodity market.
A2ミルクは 普通A1とA2型ベータカセイン・プロテインが混ざっているオーストラリアの牛乳とは違い、A2カゼイン・プロテインを産出する乳牛のみからできたミルク。消化器系に効果があるという研究もかなり行われている。食品安全委員会の情報によると、A2ミルクは子供の自閉症だけでなく、成人の統合失調症、糖尿病、心疾患を防ぐといわれている。
Most of Australian produced milk contains both A1 and A2 beta-casein protein but A2 milk comes from cows to produce A2 beta-casein protein. Many research have been conducted on A2 milk and it suggests that the A2 milk may be good for digestive system. Japan's Food safety commission reports that A2 milk may prevent autism among children, schizophrenia、diabetes and heart disease among adults.
価格帯は一番安いプライベート・ブランドの牛乳の約1.5-2倍 ($2.90-3.10). 味は他の牛乳とは少し違うが、だんだん癖になってくる。値段が高いせいか、いつも在庫過多ぎみだが、健康への効果が正式に証明されれば、もっと売れるのでは。毎日飲むミルクだからこそ、おいしくて体にいいものを選びたい。
Price range of A2 milk ($2.90 - $3.10) is about 1.5 to 2 times highers than private brand milk. A2 milk has its unique flavour and taste which I started to enjoy. While A2 milk seems to be overstocked at supermarkets, the demand will increase once its health benefits are proven. We drink milk every day. It is worthwhile to take time to choose something tasty and good for health.
Saturday, October 19, 2013
満足ブランチ – Hubbles Yard
Bread in Common に続き、今フリーマントルが面白い。イースト・フリーマントルのGeorge
StreetのHubbles Yardのブランチの噂を耳にしてすぐに駆けつけた。
Fremantle is the Oishi place of the month. I drove to George Street in East Fremantle
today as I heard about Hubbles Yard’s sensational brunch.
There are pancakes and eggs benedict on Hubbles Yard’s menu –
worth trying next time.
Saturday, October 12, 2013
フリーマントルの本格ベーカリー・カフェ – Bread in common
フリーマントルをドライブ中に偶然見つけたベーカリー・カフェBread in common。やたら人が集まっていたので、何かのイベントかと思ったほど。
It was a (very lucky) coincidence to find Bread in common, the latest
bakery & café in Fremantle. It caught my attention as a lot of people were
standing outside this new establishment while I was driving the area.
An old warehouse has been converted to this cool café. It serves
locally sourced fresh ingredients and consists of café/dining, bakery and
takeaway coffee bar. The huge open kitchen, an authentic oven to bake breads,
quality food and coffee and very friendly staff score very highly on the Oishi
Perth list.
I went there just after its opening. Customers just keep coming in as
soon as it opens the door in the morning. Slow baked breads are available for takeaway.
This café makes me want to go to Fremantle every day. Very, very well
done and managed. It is open till late at night. I pencilled in my diary for
another visit next weekend.
Wednesday, October 9, 2013
ベーカリー・カフェ-Small Print Baker & Roastery
以前報告したシティのBrookfield Place内にあるSmall Printはいつ行ってもオフィス客でいっぱい。最近気になっているのは、早朝にテイクアウェイ・コーヒーを購入した時に発見したペイストリー。こんなにおいしそうなディニッシュがたくさんディスプレイされている。
I report on Small Print at Brookfield Plaza some time ago. The café is now a popular coffee/lunch spot in the area and it is busy all the time. A wide range of quality pastries are available in the morning. See the quality of the pastry. It is hard to go past if you are there to pick up takeaway coffee.
Most of the pastry items are sold out by lunch time. They are perfect for a quality morning tea. Serious quality bread loaves are available for takeaway too.
Saturday, October 5, 2013
本格フレンチ – Jackson’s
Staff’s service was fast and very efficient. It was amazing dinner and experience.
Finally I had a chance to have dinner at Perth’s best
French, Jackson’s. In fact, I was super excited about this occasion since I
received an invitation 3 weeks ago. It
was a great evening to enjoy quality French with fresh Australian ingredients
at a semi-private table towards the back of the restaurant.
This appetizer was served on a mini ice cream stand.
前菜はホタテ貝柱と生ハム。Entrée – Scallop and prosciutto. Nice.
メインは'本日のお魚‘Red Emperor’とパパイヤ・サラダ。Main
– Fish of the day: Red emperor with papaya salad.
デザートはクリーム・ブリュレと抹茶マカロン。ちゃんと抹茶の味がしている。Dessert – Crème brulee
with green tea macaron. The Macarons has real green tea (matcha) taste.
かなりお腹一杯であとはエスプッレッソだけ、と思ったら、最後のお茶菓子が。When I thought I only have a cup of expresso to go, petit
four plate was served to accompany the coffee.
Staff’s service was fast and very efficient. It was amazing dinner and experience.
Wednesday, October 2, 2013
イタリアの松茸 – Porcini mushroom
I made a Porcini mushroom dish for the first time. Porcini
mushroom is particularly popular in Italian cooking. They have a fantastic distinctive
aroma and goes really well with sauces and risotto.
Cream sauce spaghetti with Porcini mushroom
材料 Ingredients:
- ポルチーニ茸(8g)-ぬるま湯に20分浸す
- 一掴み分のマッシュルーム(スライスする)
- 一掴み分の玉ねぎ(薄くスライス)
- おいしいクリーム
- 予算が許す限りで買える最高級のパルメサンチーズ
- Dried Porcini mushroom (8g) – soaked in a warm water for 20min
- A handful of sliced mushroom
- A handful of thinly sliced onions
- The best quality cream that you can get
- The best quality parmesan you can afford
Melt a butter in a frying pan and fry 2&3. Squeeze water
out of 1 and add to the pan. Continue to fry for about 1min. Heat 4 in a separate frypan and add 1,2
&3. Adjust the taste with salt & pepper. Add 5 just before you are
ready to eat.
Try this super easy gourmet recipe.
Saturday, September 28, 2013
おいしいお土産 – 文明堂さんどらBunmeido Dorayaki
I was given a box of “Sandora” – western style “Dorayaki”
made by Bunmeido as a gift from Japan (I haven’t been able to define “western
style” dorayaki yet). Japanese sweets is
on the top of my souvenir (to receive!) list. When you are away from Japan, it makes it extra
special to enjoy the delicacy of Japanese sweets.
As “Sandora” dorayaki are available at selected Bunmeido stores only,
they are not advertised on the Bunmeido website. There are multiple “Bunmeido”s
in Japan and each operates as an independent entity. Castella or Mikasayama
(Bumeido’s signature dorayaki) are worth trying – enjoy the quality developed
over Bumeido’s 113 years of history.
Wednesday, September 25, 2013
クレアモントでの朝食 - Lemon
クレアモント駅前の通りを南下し、クレアモント・クオーター・ショッピング・センターの向かい側のBayview Terraceへ通じるLemon カフェ。この裏道にあるLemon の朝食メニューが気に入った。メルボルンの裏道カフェのよう。
Lemon Lane leads to Bayview Terrace in Claremont - opposite side to the popular Claremont Quarter
shopping centre. You can find a Melbourne style lane café ‘Lemon’ there. Lemon
offers a great range of breakfast menu.
Lemon does all day breakfast on weekends. A big plate of quality breakfast is a great way to start your gourmet weekend.
ww.lemoncafes.com.auSaturday, September 21, 2013
サウスパースの一流ブランチ – Gusto Food
Don’t judge by its humble appearance. Gusto Food on Angelo Street is a top quality brunch spot in South Perth. I dropped in at the café for the first time before going to grocery shopping at Scutti, a nearby European grocer.
To my regret, I was already full as I left the house after breakfast. All I could do was just to see other people’s brunch with envy.....
I promised to myself to return to Gusto with empty tummy.
Wednesday, September 18, 2013
クレアモントのグルメ食品店 – Liquorice
Liquorice is located in Claremont Quarter – a high end shopping centre near Claremont station. Entering into Liquorice brings back a fond memory of (and excitement associated with) a sweets shop near the house I grew up.
It is good fun to put a bit of everything into a paper bag, browse
through a wide range of spices and read cooking books. While it is a small
shop, I always end up spending long hours.
This is a great spot to drop in when you visit Claremont Quarter.
Saturday, September 14, 2013
簡単デザート – Cheat's dessert ideas “Sara Lee”
忙しい平日の夜でも食後のデザートは必ず食べたい。Sara Leeのデザートシリーズはオーブンで20-30分あっという間にできる。アイスクリームを沿えて簡単デザートのできあがり。働き者の味方デザートだ。
I don’t want to miss a dessert after dinner no matter how
busy I am during a week. Sara Lee’s frozen dessert series are the perfect
mid-week solution. It only takes 20-30min in an oven to prepare a quick
dessert. A scoop of ice cream will add a nice finishing touch.
アプリコットの他にも、ブルーベリー、アップル、カスタードなどあるので、色々と試したい。In addition to Apricot Danish (see photo), a variety of Danish/strudel
is available including custard, blueberry and apple. It is worth trying them
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