パースの北部からも車を飛ばしてやってくる客がいるというAsian Cuisine。本格的なアジア屋台料理が楽しめる。お店は複数のレストランがあるコンプレックスの「向かって右側」にある。忙しい平日の夕食に利用した。
It is rumoured that some of their customers come a long way from North of Perth. The popular eatery, Asian Cuisine offers authentic Malaysian chinese hawker food. This tiny shop is located one on the right hand side of the complex.
Salted fish &chickenの焼き飯のおいしさにびっくり。2人で分けれるぐらいのボリュームで、それも$10以下。小さな店内なので、フライパンからお皿に移して3秒ぐらいでテーブルに届く。久々においしい焼き飯を食べることができて大満足。
Look at this salted fish & chicken fried rice. It was amazingly delicious and large enough to share. To top it off, it is less than $10. As the restaurant is very small, you get to taste this fantastic fried rice within a few second from being cooked in a pan. This fried rice is worth trying.
Chicken rendang (アジア風カレー)もライムの葉の香りと合い、なかなかの出来。チキンライスもかなりおいしいとの噂。
Chicken rendang with lime leaves were also very nice.I heard that their chicken rice is pretty good too.
Retro interior makes you feel like you are dining in somewhere in Asia.
Asian Cuisine
113 Collins Road, Willetton WA
Saturday, November 24, 2012
Wednesday, November 21, 2012
Japanese rice crackers -日本のえび煎餅
Luckly, I received another Oishi gift, this time, prawn crackers from Japan. There are a lot to learn about Japanese crackers. Millions of flavours are available and average quality is incredibly high. Subtle difference in shape and flavours are expressed in naming - for examples "Ebi-mirin" and "Mini curry"
Although there are many varieties of Japanese crackers, the National Crackers Industrial Union classifies crackers into two main categories - those made from glutenious rice (arare, okaki, age-mochi) and the other (senbei) made from short grain white rice.
煎餅 (Senbei)
1.焼き煎餅 Pan-fried Senbei
-草加型(かため)Souka style (hard)
-新潟型(やわらかめ)Niigata style (soft)
-ぬれせんべい Wet senbei
2.揚げ煎餅 Deep-fried Senbei
In this case, "Ebi-mirin" is classified as deep-fried and "Mini curry" is pan fried.
It may be still some time before a Japanese senbei store comes to Perth.
http://www.arare-osenbei.jp/index.html (Japanese)
Saturday, November 17, 2012
おいしいお土産 - Lebanese pastries
It is always nice to receive an "Oishi gift". This Lebanese pastries came directly from Lebanon, the country once called as "Paris in the Middle East".
パースにはケーキ店やベーカリーのように出来たてを販売するレバニーズ・スウィーツ店がないので、なかなかおいしいレバニーズ・スウィーツが手に入らない。シドニーやメルボルンにはあるので東部州からのお土産としてKrispy Cremeよりオリジナルで面白い。どうしてもフレッシュなレバニーズ・スウィーツがすぐ食べたい、という時は自分で作ろう。市販のものと全く味が違うので試す価値あり。
Unlike Sydney or Melbourne, there is no Lebanese pastry retailers Perth. Lebanese sweets are a good food gift alternative to Kripy Creme when coming back from the Eastern States. You can bake them at home if you would like to try fresh Lebanese pastries. It is worth the effort, freshly baked Lebanese sweets taste totally different.
It is always nice to receive an "Oishi gift". This Lebanese pastries came directly from Lebanon, the country once called as "Paris in the Middle East".
パースにはケーキ店やベーカリーのように出来たてを販売するレバニーズ・スウィーツ店がないので、なかなかおいしいレバニーズ・スウィーツが手に入らない。シドニーやメルボルンにはあるので東部州からのお土産としてKrispy Cremeよりオリジナルで面白い。どうしてもフレッシュなレバニーズ・スウィーツがすぐ食べたい、という時は自分で作ろう。市販のものと全く味が違うので試す価値あり。
Unlike Sydney or Melbourne, there is no Lebanese pastry retailers Perth. Lebanese sweets are a good food gift alternative to Kripy Creme when coming back from the Eastern States. You can bake them at home if you would like to try fresh Lebanese pastries. It is worth the effort, freshly baked Lebanese sweets taste totally different.
Wednesday, November 14, 2012
イタリアン・ブレッド - Vastese Bakery
注文のタイミングが合わず、Robさんのsourdoughの在庫が切れてしまった。今さらスーパーの袋入りパンには戻れないので、Vastese bakeryのイタリアン・ブレッドで凌ぐことに。多くのイタリアン・デリで利用されているパンは、トーストして食べるとフレーバがあっておいしい。
Rob's sourdough is out of stock at the moment (in my pantry) - until next order. There is no way that I can go back to "a plastic bread" - bread in a plastic bag at supermarket, so I resorted to Vastese bakery's Italian bread. Many continental deli and cafes use Vastese bakery's bread. It has a good texture and nicer when it is toasted.
Rob's sourdough is out of stock at the moment (in my pantry) - until next order. There is no way that I can go back to "a plastic bread" - bread in a plastic bag at supermarket, so I resorted to Vastese bakery's Italian bread. Many continental deli and cafes use Vastese bakery's bread. It has a good texture and nicer when it is toasted.
Sunday, November 11, 2012
チェリージャム - Morello cherry jam
Jam making season is coming up. I tried this year's first batch with new season strawberry but flavour is still not optimal for jam making. Morello cherry jar came handy until full flavoured fruits become available in the market.
Morello cherry has very dark skin, flash and juice. Morellos are suitable for desserts such as cherry pie, sauce and jam. Bottled (pitted) morello cherries are available at import grocery stores.
All I need to do is to cook the Morellos with the syrup and add 300g sugar. A good option in winter jam making.
Wednesday, November 7, 2012
sourdoughパン教室開催 - Sourdough class
Yoke, who runs a quality sourdough class near Garden City shopping centre, just issued the lastest sourdough class information (for Nov and Dec 2012). Yoke is very well known for her sourdough books and a number of featured articles in magazines. I love her passion for 'good, healthy food'. Once you attend her sourdough class, you will receive complimentary sourdough starter. Her class usually run for abour 4 hours and full of 'oishi' information and tasting. It is definitely worth attending the class. Yoke has many regular students.
See below for details of Yoke's sourdough classes in November and December.
· Sourdough with Thermomix (4.5hr hands-on) SAT NOV 3rd, DEC 8th - 10am till 2.30pm
· Christmas Sourdough class with Thermomix ((4hr hands-on) SAT NOV 24th, TUE NOV 27th - 10am till 2pm
· Christmas Sourdough class (4hr hands-on) THUR NOV 29th, SAT DEC 1st - 10am till 2pm
· Sourdough Gluten Free class (4hr hands-on and w Thermomix), SAT DEC 15th - 10am till 2pm
email: yoke@wildsourdough.com.au
website: www.wildsourdough.com.au
mobile: 0412 272327
Yoke, who runs a quality sourdough class near Garden City shopping centre, just issued the lastest sourdough class information (for Nov and Dec 2012). Yoke is very well known for her sourdough books and a number of featured articles in magazines. I love her passion for 'good, healthy food'. Once you attend her sourdough class, you will receive complimentary sourdough starter. Her class usually run for abour 4 hours and full of 'oishi' information and tasting. It is definitely worth attending the class. Yoke has many regular students.
See below for details of Yoke's sourdough classes in November and December.
Christmas Sourdough Class:All panettone, christmas cake and stollen can be made now & stored ready for christmas.
wild sourdough
classes NOV-DEC 2012:
Beginners Sourdough class (4hr hands-on) SUN NOV 11th - 10am
till 2pm· Sourdough with Thermomix (4.5hr hands-on) SAT NOV 3rd, DEC 8th - 10am till 2.30pm
· Christmas Sourdough class with Thermomix ((4hr hands-on) SAT NOV 24th, TUE NOV 27th - 10am till 2pm
· Christmas Sourdough class (4hr hands-on) THUR NOV 29th, SAT DEC 1st - 10am till 2pm
· Sourdough Gluten Free class (4hr hands-on and w Thermomix), SAT DEC 15th - 10am till 2pm
email: yoke@wildsourdough.com.au
website: www.wildsourdough.com.au
mobile: 0412 272327
Saturday, November 3, 2012
パーフェクト・ローストチキン - How to cook like Heston
30時間超のモントリオールからの帰り道、機内でイギリスのセレブ・シェフHeston Blumenthalの"How to cook like Heston"を全シリーズ観ることができた。忘れないうちにHestonのパーフェクト・ローストチキン・レシピに挑戦した。
I managed to watch the full series of "How to cook like Heston" - a TV cooking show by UK's celebrity chef, Heston Blumenthal during 30+ hours flights back from Montreal. I tried to recreate his perfect Roast chicken while my memory is fresh in mind.
Key point is to soak the chicken in brine over night (in a fridge). Wipe the excess water with a kitchen paper and bake in a slow oven (Heston set his oven at 90c but I tested the recipe at 130c) for 2 hours. Once chicken is cooked in the low heat oven, turn the oven to high heat (220-230c) and brown the chicken for 20min.
It made a big difference in the final result. Slow cooking produced a moist roast chicken, full of natural flavours. The key to success is 'soaking in a brine water' and 'slow cooking at low heat'.
It is worth trying Heston's roast chicken recipe on a weekend.
I managed to watch the full series of "How to cook like Heston" - a TV cooking show by UK's celebrity chef, Heston Blumenthal during 30+ hours flights back from Montreal. I tried to recreate his perfect Roast chicken while my memory is fresh in mind.
Key point is to soak the chicken in brine over night (in a fridge). Wipe the excess water with a kitchen paper and bake in a slow oven (Heston set his oven at 90c but I tested the recipe at 130c) for 2 hours. Once chicken is cooked in the low heat oven, turn the oven to high heat (220-230c) and brown the chicken for 20min.
It made a big difference in the final result. Slow cooking produced a moist roast chicken, full of natural flavours. The key to success is 'soaking in a brine water' and 'slow cooking at low heat'.
It is worth trying Heston's roast chicken recipe on a weekend.
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