
Thursday, October 27, 2011


You can find wide varieties of sweets and cafe in Jakarta. It must be a great market for dining/gifts as pâtissier from Japan and France have stores there.

今回一番気に入ったのはSoho Social house. インドネシア料理とウェスタンの両方が楽しめて、フレッシュ・ジュースの種類も豊富。デザートのみでもOK.
My favourite during this trip was Soho Social house. Soho social house offers both Indonesian and Western menus and wider range of fresh fruits/vegetable juice. Great place for meal and dessert.

Sunday, October 23, 2011


Jakarta's gourmet scene has definitely evolved since my last visit 18 month go, although there was no change to the notorious Jakarta traffic...

It turned out to be 6 meals a day schedule to tick off all items off my "to eat" list. I chose a hotel nearest to restaurant/cafe to minimize travel time.

Jakarta not only offers wide variety of restaurants, but high quality and services.

After starting a day with Indonesian style breakfast, I spent exploring Chinese, Western and Asian fusion dishes all day. Breads are great too, perhaps due to its Dutch influence back in its Colonial era.

5スターホテルMuliaのメイン・レストランOrient 8(フレンチ・アジアン)のディナーが2人で約A$50だったのは驚き。インテリアもすごい。
It was a bargain deal - A$50 for two for a nice dinner at Orient 8, a main dining at 5 star hotel - Mulia. Decoration of the restaurant was impressive too.

パースからJetstarの直行便で約4時間。シンガポールよりも近いので連休の際のグルメ旅行にぴったり。Jetstart flies direct to Jakarta (4 hours). It is a great destination for a long weekend gourmet trip.

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

クオリティかサービスの選択-868 Gourmet

Victoria Parkの868 Gourmetは、イタリアン・デリを兼ねたシンプルな店内だがサンドイッチがとてもおいしい。仲間とゆっくり雑談をして長居でき、場所もとても便利。
868 Gourmet in Victoria Park is a simple Italian Deli and a cafe with great sandwich on its menu. Located in a convenient spot, it is one of those shops where you can relax and chat with friends.

HOWEVER, sandwich counter staff are 868 Gourmet are incredibaly unfriendly. The level of their customer services are at the extreme end of their quality sandwiches. Ladies, smile won't cost a thing.
