
Sunday, August 28, 2011

新シティ・カフェ - The Bucket

Hay StreetとWolf Lane (カントリー・ロード・カフェの裏側に続く)に続くアーケードの角のブティックがいつの間にか格好よいカフェに変わっていた。

A small boutique in the back alley of Wolf Lane has been converted to the Bucket - a new little cafe with style.

The vibrant cafe, constantly packed with officer workers, offers quality cafe food such as muffins, panini, quiche and salads. With great services and reasonable price, the Bucket will be a new star in the area in no time.

テーブル数は少ないが、絶対に人気がでるはず。Wolf Lane周辺はTiger Tiger, Country Road cafe, King St Cafe と使えるカフェのメッカになってきた。
Wolf Lane is becoming a mecca for quality cafes with popular names like Tiger Tiger, Country Road cafe and  King St Cafe.


Sunday, August 14, 2011

カントリー・ドライブ - A day in the country

A pretty town of Williams is located in just 160km South of Perth (90min drive).

It probably take less than 3min to drive past the town centre but it is east to find "Woolshed" - a compact showcase of the region's offerings including the famous home cooked treats at the Shed Cafe.

I always order steak sandwich and clubhouse sandwich everytime I visit a country town. Huge triple decker sandwiches were very satisfying.

I was already full but I couldn't help myself from ordering a fruit cake to finish off a country lunch. It was certainly a good decision.


Sunday, August 7, 2011

おいしいイギリス2-London groumet scene

Don't underestimate England. London offers great diversity in people and food. You don't often hear English accecent at shops anymore. London is Tokyo in Europe for its access to diverse gourmet selections at every price range.

パースへ戻る機内ではNeil Perry監修の朝食パンケーキ。うれしい旅の締めくくりとなった。
Strawberry pancake was served as Neil Perry designed breakfast menu on the place back to Perth. What a nice way to finish a trip.

Monday, August 1, 2011

おいしいイギリス-Crisitini in Paddington


It was worth travelling 20hours from Perth to London as I was able to dine at a cosy but traditional Italian restaurant near Paddington Station.

Entree was salmon tartar. It was my intention to have as much cold fish as possible to make most of my stay in UK - It is extremely difficult to find a quality cold fish in Perth. Caviar on the side created a perfectly balanced harmony and texture to the dish.

Cherry tomato and bocconcini cheese were also available as entree.
I chose a pasta dish as main. Chicken/spanich filled raviolli was accompanied by the right amount of tomato sauce to enhance rich flavour of pasta/fillings.

Tiramisu was deinitely one of the top 3 tiramisues I've ever tasted. Fresh rasberries (bought fresh from a local market in the morning) add a slighl acidity to sweet mascarpone to differenciate Cristini's tiramisu from others. 
A great laugh and insghtful conversation with friends made the dinner even tastier. After all, great company is the most important factor for a dinner to remember. What a fantastic way to finish a busy day.

詳細は下記の通り See below for details.