ずっと行きたかったLeederville のRia Authentic Malaysian Restaurant. Oxford streetの 市営駐車場のすぐ横にある地味な見かけの小さな店。マレーシア料理ファンの1人として、本格マレー料理が味わえるRiaは貴重な存在だ。
I always wanted to go to Ria Authentic Malaysian Restaurant. The humble looking restaurant is located near the City of Vincent car park on Oxford Street. Ria is a must-go-to place for Malaysian food lovers.
平日でもお店は満席。リーズナブルな価格とボリュームある本格マレーシア料理に大感激。人気があるはずだ。カレー類も充実しているがサテーとEggplant saladが特においしかった。
The restaurant is usually full even on the weeknights. The price is very reasonable and the food is really authentic Malaysian. No wonder the restaurant has been popular for quite some time. There is a range of curries that are worth trying. My favourites are satay and eggplant salad.
Sunday, January 22, 2012
Sunday, January 15, 2012
East PerthのTerrace Road沿いにあるCrown Plaza hotel内のGustiはかなり前からあるが、知らない人も多い。近くのハイアットなどに比べて華やかさに欠けるホテルなのでつい見過ごされがちだが、テラス席もあり、サービスもフレンドリー、7日営業なので、日曜にランチをかねてゆっくり話をしたい時に便利。
Gusti is located in the Crown Plaza hotel on Terrace Road, East Perth. The restaurant has been there ever since I can remember. People could pass by without noticing as the hotel doesn't attract as much attention as Hyatt would, however Gusti is worth remembering as an option for Sunday lunch, when you want to have a good conversation in a quiet environment. Gusti is open 7 days a week, offers friendly services and has a nice terrace area.
お勧めメニューはメニューに載っていないClubhouse sandwich。お願いしたら作ってくれる。今日は2段重ねのパニーニだったが、前回はClubhouse sandwichらしい三角型食パンだった。
My favourite is their "clubhouse sandwich". It is not listed on the menu but is available on request. It came in a double decker panini form today.
Gusti is located in the Crown Plaza hotel on Terrace Road, East Perth. The restaurant has been there ever since I can remember. People could pass by without noticing as the hotel doesn't attract as much attention as Hyatt would, however Gusti is worth remembering as an option for Sunday lunch, when you want to have a good conversation in a quiet environment. Gusti is open 7 days a week, offers friendly services and has a nice terrace area.
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Photo source: www.bestrestaurants.com.au |
My favourite is their "clubhouse sandwich". It is not listed on the menu but is available on request. It came in a double decker panini form today.
Tuesday, January 10, 2012
シティのサンドイッチ - Schmears
最近旅行が続きブログが世界グルメ紀行状態だったので、気持ちを切り替えパースでのグルメ調査を再開。高い、まずい、サービスが悪いと悲しくも3拍子揃った所の多いリスキーなシティのサンドイッチ。おいしいサンドイッチを求めてTartin cafeが正月休みだった間はSt Georges TerraceのSchmearsへ。
This blog was becoming a world gourmet diary lately but I am finally back to explore "oishi" in Perth. Sandwich options in the City area are notorious for being low in price, quality and service. The risk is high. I resorted to Schmears on St Georges Terrace while Tartin cafe is closed for the New Year.
People line up after 12pm. Sandwiches are made to order and fillings such as salad are all fresh. Price is relatively reasonable compared to other stores who sell pre-prepared sandwiches at high prices. It is worth exploring ultimate filling.
Perhaps sanwiches here are like Onigiri in Japan.
This blog was becoming a world gourmet diary lately but I am finally back to explore "oishi" in Perth. Sandwich options in the City area are notorious for being low in price, quality and service. The risk is high. I resorted to Schmears on St Georges Terrace while Tartin cafe is closed for the New Year.
People line up after 12pm. Sandwiches are made to order and fillings such as salad are all fresh. Price is relatively reasonable compared to other stores who sell pre-prepared sandwiches at high prices. It is worth exploring ultimate filling.
Perhaps sanwiches here are like Onigiri in Japan.
Tuesday, January 3, 2012
おいしい関西-家庭の味 Japanese home cooking
日本を発つ前に家庭料理を堪能。ほっとする久々の味に感動。日本で食べるからこそおいしいんだと思う。I enjoyed home cooked Japanese meal before leaving for Perth. It made my heart and stomach warm. A joy of visiting Japan.
Nikujyaga recipe
Japanese home cooking
そろそろベジーマイトが恋しくなってきた。もう帰ろう。It is time to go home. I miss Vegemite.
Nikujyaga recipe
Japanese home cooking
そろそろベジーマイトが恋しくなってきた。もう帰ろう。It is time to go home. I miss Vegemite.
Sunday, January 1, 2012
おいしい関西- What Perth needs from Japan パースに持っていきたい日本の“食“
明けましておめでとうございます。 Happy New Year!
What Perth needs from Japan – Top 3
第1位 お好み焼き / No 1. – Okonomiyaki
Okonomiyaki should blend in nicely with the Australian BBQ culture. I wonder if endorsement of 1,000 people would be enough to convince Chibo (or other major Okonomiyaki chain) to come to Perth
第2位 おいしいラーメン / No.2 Ramen
Japanese bakery café. There is at least one bakery style café at every shopping centres/arcade in Japan. You can choose a wide range of freshly baked bread from curry bread, sausage to melon or red-bean bread and coffee at a bakery café.
番外編:ミスター・ドーナツ / Others: Mister Donut
Krispy Crèmeも良いけれど、パースにミスター・ドーナツがあればうれしくなる。品揃えの細かさにパースでも人気がでるかも。
It would be nice to see Mister Donut in Perth. Mister Donut’s wide range of product offering will surely capture the Perth market. http://www.misterdonut.jp/
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